Saturday, 5 June 2010

5 Random Facts About Me Tag

I was browsing through one of my favourite blogs recently and decided that I wanted to make more of a light post. Possibly a bit egocentric but it seemed like fun.
I came across a '5 random facts' tag and thought...well why not make my blog a little personal by sharing some facts about me. I know that some of my lovely Twitter followers read my blog, so it would be nice to give them something.
Then came the hard part. I find it terribly difficult to narrow down facts about myself without sounding like I am obsessed with ME ME ME. That was why I was reluctant to make this post in the 1st place... so here it goes.

I am a cocktail.

I have mentioned before that I am of Armenian decent from both my Mother and Father. I also mentioned that I was of Palestinian decent. All very true, but there is more to the mix. After having a long chat with my uncle when I was 15, I found out that his grandmother was Assyrian (the land does not exist anymore)
I am guessing this was hidden from me because Armenians and Assyrians... well they don't have a great relationship.
My uncle also revealed that we are distantly Russian, Georgian and other countries...this is only on my Dad's side. My friend once told me she found it very difficult to tell where I was from when she 1st met me. It's understandable. On my Mother's side I am full Armenian, her grandmother was adopted by a Turkish family. My Mother will never admit that and I will never understand why.
I am mostly Armenian but I am proud of the fact that I am very mixed. It makes people interesting.

I hate tanning.

I'm sure that it is apparent from my blog that I when I believe in something...I really act upon it. When I was a child on holiday my Mother used to let me swim and play in the sun without worrying that I might get sunburn. I am quite pale but I tan easily. I used to go so brown that I didn't look like the same child. 2 years ago on holiday, I tanned a fairly normal amount when I was in Spain, in fact less than usual. When I got back to London and my skin was returning to its normal state, I noticed a difference to the skin on my face. It was blemish central. After that I researched how harmful tanning is and have never sunbathed since. I know that my face was never going to stay so white and pure forever, but I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast!

I love Fashion

Ever since I was a kid, I have been obsessed with finding unusual things. Now let me elaborate. I always wanted unique toys, unique bags, and as I got older...Unique fashion items. I swear I was the 1st person to buy a two finger ring and an Alexander McQueen scarf :-P
I love the effortless New York chic look. That can also apply to effortless London look...
If anything I think about fashion everyday. I will never dress myself to please someone else, I will always do it for me because it makes me feel good and unique. My style icons are the Olsen twins because they pull off effortless like there is no tomorrow. Ever since I was a kid I have been OBSESSED with them. They have amazing style.

I want to travel

I really really REALLY want to go to some certain places...and to make documentaries as I go along. I am a media arts student and I want to use the skills that I have learned to do this. My 1st stop will hopefully be Armenia. I have never been but I want to show people what it's really about and why they should go there. I promise that one day, I will go to Palestine. I want to go back to my Father's birthplace. It feels like I have spent most of my life thinking about Armenia and not Palestine. It is just as important...

I want to start my own business.

This is really thinking far ahead, but I want to start my own business at some point in my life...

On that note, I want you to tell me 5 facts about YOU

Thursday, 3 June 2010

Unfinished post...Flotilla

I stopped writing the first part of this post because my laptop went crazy. Not sure why.
A lot of things have happened in these past few days I don't really know where to start...
The Flotilla had set sail for Gaza to bring aid to Palestinians (most people on ship being Turkish) this included things like medicine, pens and paper for kids...
Any harm in that? We didn't think so.
I was lying in my bed the night the flotilla set sail, getting constant tweet updates from pro Palestinian twitter accounts. Great for me considering my net was not working, although I hated the fact that I couldn't watch the live feed.
It got to 3am, I rolled over in my bed and grabbed my phone. The last I had heard was that the flotilla was getting threats from Israel. This to me meant maybe they would send the passengers home when they got to Gaza. How wrong was I?
At 3am I read a tweet “people are you seeing this, 3 people have been killed we can see it right in front of our eyes”
My stomach dropped. I felt so sick and angry at the same time I didn't know what to do. It was one of those feelings you get when you want to help but have no way of getting to it.
The number kept on growing “nine people dead...some injured”
I went to Facebook immediately to express my anger, of course the Jewish boy on my Facebook friends list replied instantly, defending Israel in every way he could. Slime.
I do not wish to post what he responded with purely because it will frustrate me to look at what he wrote again.
As an Armenian, this is the 1st time in my life that I have ever supported Turkey. Turk or no Turk...those people were doing a good thing and got attacked by ruthless Israeli's. I came across a video of Gerald Kaufman, this part stuck out to me:

The Rachel Corrie Ship is still on its way and should be arriving on Saturday.
'Deep Regret' from certain politicians will not bring the dead back.
R.I.P to those who died.

Hey, I put some new shoes on and suddenly everything is right...

Or not.
My apologies for the double shoe post but you never know what idea will spring to your mind next...
The idea for this post came about while I was considering buying a new pair of shoes. What is it about a new pair of shoes that makes us feel so great? I specifically remember Russell Brand saying “you know that feeling when you buy a new pair of shoes and you feel like the shoes are wearing you?”
When I was a child I used to 'suffer' from that a lot. I constantly felt paranoid that everything I wore would make me look like a try hard. I was too scared of trying to be unique. I just wanted to blend. It may have been that little Armenian girl inside me hiding away for being different as well as the way people treated me.
“pfffft look at what she is wearing” giggled the little girls of Christ Church school in my class. At nine years of age you wouldn't think kids would be so cruel. That little cow (excuse my French) pretty much scarred me for life. Every time I try something on I always feel like I look too over done. Times have changed since I was a child and I totally love being exotic. I love my dark hair and am getting to grips with my pale skin. LOVE, love, love Nicola Roberts lets just say that.

Let me tell you about one of my style icons...
I came across Kim Kardashian a couple of years ago when my sister pointed her out in a magazine and said “Nay, look at this girl she is Armenian like us and is friends with Paris Hilton”
Paris Hilton...pfft I thought. Keeping Up With The Kardashians became my new vice. I love that we are the same ethnicity. Finally, I had something and a group of people to relate to in every way. Kim and her sister Kourtney are exotic looking, plus they have great style. People think they are beautiful...someone broke the mould for different looking people. Finally :)


Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Gap Year, Olsens and kids in heels

I promised myself that when I took this gap year I would go straight into fighting for my future. I guess it's only two weeks in, but I have that guilty feeling you get when you promise yourself you will start your essay tomorrow. Instead I find myself pondering fashion websites and beauty videos. I blame the internet for falling so easily into my grasp. Thank goodness my t-mobile usb is broken and now I HAVE NO INTERNET. I have to call my insurance tomorrow to get it fixed, pray for me.
Hissy fit over, I have some time to think to myself without the web browser calling my name. Let's call this a well earned break for my laptop. I realise this post is starting to show my rather unhealthy side but what can I do, It's all truth.
Now I will analyse what this lack of internet is doing to me since I have no other form of entertainment. I am finding myself more obsessed with fashion when I have no access to it. My wardrobe is full yet I only wear a quarter of its content. Its not helping that 'Sex And The City 2' is out and I am the only person that has not seen it. I am planning to see it when no one else wants to, next Tuesday during the morning.
Humbug. Just humbug. I don't know what I want to do. This is what happens when my thoughts are left to myself.
I currently have a picture of the Olsen twins up on my browser, purely because I wish I had their wardrobe. No one can can have the same wardrobe as them unless you were born with that amount of money. BUT you can find dupes of what they wear. Now I'm not saying you should copy them, but If you get inspired just find alternatives that look similar and jazz it up yourself you can pull it off.
Yesterday I was trailing up Barnet High Street after walking (up hill) from New Barnet. Needless to say my make up was sliding off of my face. Great day to wear a blazer I tell you...
I found myself noticing all these little 12 year olds from my old school wearing make up and their hair styled in a bird's nest manner. “What has the world come to” I asked myself, then realised that I must be getting really old. Think back to when you were twelve I told myself. I used to want the latest fashion items and what not, but it was different back then. Kids were not interested in short skirts and make up... we used to craze over trainers that lit up and counted how many wristbands we could fit on one arm. What has made this big progression in what kid's are interested in nowadays?

The other day I was watching E! Entertainment television. They did a segment on Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise's daughter. She is what...a toddler? and she was spotted wearing a custom made pair of high heels. I kid you not. It's like fashion is being forced at us at a young age. I think it's unhealthy.

This is a really erratic post...sorry.

Monday, 17 May 2010

Diary Post Of A 'Sweet' Sixteen.

Here is a random entry from my diary at age 16. I don't know what this will do for your life but I am posting it anyway.

August 2006

"...My brother's baby is due any minute. I am so scared I wont be there or something will get in my way before I see the little boy. What If a bus hits me? what if I have no transport? what if, WHAT IF I can't go into the hospital room. I am not sure why this would happen but I am worried. I have always been the youngest in the family, what will it be like when he is around? will he like me? will he call me Auntie? I am just soooo excited to see him.
When I was younger I used to ask my Mum to have another baby so I could have a younger brother. It looks like my wishes came true. My sister in law looks like a bowling ball FYI. I can't wait to see this bouncing brown haired brown eyed boy! (note the baby came out with blonde hair and blue eyes)
I start 6th form in September, feeling quite grown up to be honest. I want to do English Language for sure, and History since I got an A. My best subject being Religious education, I want to study Philosophy and Ethics. I think the topic covers Islam a lot, I do want to know more. I needed a 4th A level, so I picked Media Studies, it should be fun to make films and things. I am going to be so out of my comfort zone in different classes with different people. But it should be fun I guess? I promise myself every year that I will do lots of work, but it never happens.
The other day I had a random argument with my sister, just because I pointed out that she always says "U know what I mean" at the end of her sentences. Well what can I do, it pissed me off. I don't know when we will stop arguing but I always get the blame. Dad yelled at me from the TV room and I didn't get over it for the whole night...

I have been running with J for a couple of weeks. She has been forcing me around the football pitch near our house everyday. I hope it is worth it. She said she wants to motivate me. MAJOR SIGH. I can't be bothered and I don't feel like it is even doing anything.
We went to get our haircut together in June and my hair is growing out in this really odd shape. Its like...flat at the top and the layers are growing out uneven. My tan from Spain is making me look like I have over done some fake tan and I look dreadful. Needless to say I always look dreadful anyway. I didn't sunbathe but it looks awful. Never again. NEVER.
The horrible thing is, when my nephew is born I am going to be in the pictures looking like this.
God hates me..."

My name was misery apparently.

Summer Reading

Every summer I like to find myself a new book to tackle. For most of my life I conquered The Harry Potter series without fail, This year is different.

The Author Elizabeth Laird visited my school (Queen Elizabeth's Girls') in 2002 (I think) when I was 12 years old. To my delight, she began to talk about Palestine. I never imagined that any English lady would talk about such a subject. I scurried to her at the end of her speech and told her my Grandmother was Palestinian. She recommended that I read her book "A Little Piece Of Ground"

"I first visited Israel in 1968, and enjoyed a warm welcome from many Israeli friends. Later, I lived in Beirut with my husband and son during the civil war there, and became aware for the first time of the tragedy of the Palestinian refugees. I visited both Gaza and Ramallah, in the occupied territories, in 2002, while leading workshops for Palestinian writers. I was appalled by the circumstances in which people were living, and became aware that we in the west know very little of what life is like for Palestinians living under military occupation.

I have written A Little Piece of Ground in collaboration with Sonia Nimr, a Palestinian archaeologist, storyteller, writer and translator, who lives in Ramallah. We have tried to make our story as true to life as we can"

I ended up buying her book but never got round to reading it. I lost it while moving homes and recently re-discovered it. Now that I have it in my mits I most certainly will be reading it. i am older and wiser on the subject and will enjoy it a whole lot more.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Everyone secretly loves Eurovision

Even if you are watching it to see all the ludicrously STUPID joke songs, making fun of odd accents or (wait for it) rooting for your country, we all secretly love The Eurovision Song contest. I make it a tradition every year to sit and watch the WHOLE thing with my Dad to make fun at everything we see and hear. Only because the UK never did well until last year when Jade Ewen came 4th! Good for her.
Now If it were up to me, Armenia would have participated in eurovision a long time ago. They have been participating for 4 years now, this year being our 4th. We have done quite well, we came 8th for our 1st 2 years, 4th in our 3rd year (we got the most amount of top scores that year) and 10th last year (we will forgive that one)

Now. Our 3rd year was our best. Sirusho came 4th and gained major popularity all over Europe with 'Qele Qele' (check song below)

This year, I think we have a great chance! Eva Rivas is representing us with her song 'Apricot Stone'
sound redic? I thought so at 1st. I heard it, and now I love it! it has a perfectly political undertone
"apricot stone hidden in my hand, give it back to me, from the motherland"
let me know what you guys think...

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Karl Who? Israel Who?

If at any point in my life I could meet Karl Lagerfeld, I will be a happy woman. No its not the urge for that £2000 bag that makes me admire him (to a certain extent) It is the fact that he always remains to be one of the coolest people around, effortlessly.
I would love to get my mits on one of those "Karl Who" bags. I love how versatile it is yet being a simple shopping bag.

It pokes fun at our ever growing consumer society, or am I reading into it too much?
Thinking about consumerism here is another image worth thinking about, including the quote.

There are some things wrong with this picture.
1. McDonalds.
If there is any other reason to boycott McDonalds apart from health, it would be their relations with Israel. As you know I have major empathy towards Palestine and I do not support any company that funds Israel's military aid or sells things in their country.
(for more info check here: BoycottMcDonalds )
2. "Fashion is the healthiest motivation for losing weight" I don't know what is more wrong with this?!!! The fact that it is up against a picture of McDonalds or the fact that it screams Anorexia. We all know Karl was put on a diet years ago to get to what he is now. He did say that it wasn't the most fulfilling diet. It made him lose the weight whilst feeling hungry... right. I think there is a book on it, go find it if you feel like being a little bit gaunt.

What is right about this picture? Well it is motivating me to lose a bit of weight or just get a bit healthy. It makes me remember that McDonalds works with the devil and being healthier will have its benefits.

This blog post is a little messy, I say sorry to those that feel like they hate me already hah.

Inspiration: Children Of Gaza

Picture courtesy of

Coming from an extremely mixed heritage is something to confuse a child highly. I, out of anyone, should know this. I grew up as a little Armenian girl in London, simple enough? nope.
As I grew older I had to tackle the incredibly annoying task of having to explain myself whenever I met someone new.
"But you look Muslim!" they would tell me...
"How can you look Muslim, It's a religion not a nationality" That shut them up for a while :)
I hated the fact that I knew exactly what they meant. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with looking that way at all, but when you grow up as a Christian white Caucasian, it gets a little annoying when people constantly assume what you may or may not be.
Anyway, as the years went by I found out I was in fact a quarter Palestinian. My grandmother was a Christian Palestinian. She met my Armenian Grandfather in Palestine. His family had moved out of Armenia way before the genocide (that is why I am here)
I got so annoyed with my family growing up, the constant frustration of not knowing who I was lead me to get incredibly touchy.

But these 'troubles' are nothing compared to that of the Children in Gaza.
I came across a program on television not too long ago named 'Dispatches: Children Of Gaza' on Channel 4. Of course no other station would dare broadcast this, with our mainstream media controlled by biased idiotic human beings.
"In December 2008, the Israeli Defence Force unleashed a campaign to destroy the ability of Hamas to launch rockets and mortars into Israel. Around 300 children were among the 1,300 Palestinians that were killed.

After the ceasefire, BAFTA-winning filmmaker Jezza Neumann arrived in Gaza to follow the lives of three children over a year."

After watching the show, I got inspired to a new level. I enrolled myself on the animation module of my course (2d animation that is) and wanted to work on a project about the children of Gaza. Palestine has become a big part of my life, not only because it is my heritage, but because anyone who doesn't believe what is happening is wrong is utterly insane.

Here is a badly photographed picture of the 1st frame of my animation:

Fresh Start?

Saturday May 15th 2010

I took the liberty of making some use out of my free Microsoft word trial during this time of need. Why is this a time of need I hear you ask? Well this is a time in my life I have been dreading yet looking forward to for quite some time now.
I decided (purely last minute) that I would take a year out of University. I think this gap is highly necessary considering I want to shoot myself every time I set foot in the University of Westminster. It is set in the glamorous visage of Harrow (I kid you not)
Now if I attended the Regent Street campus, this might have been a different story. I would have been able to trot into Uni in some high heels with my designer handbag without feeling pretentious. Ok, I am not cocky or bigheaded in way at all. I get the constant “but you are posh!” from my friend in Harrow. Needless to say I get that sinking feeling you get when you feel really out of place or embarrassed. But why should I feel that way if that is just how I am? No I didn’t attend one of the best schools and no I didn’t get the best grades. As a matter of fact my GCSE’s were purely average (A*-D I kid you not, I’m like a scitz) My A levels were not bad considering this.
Where was i? ah yes, gap year. What life do I want? I asked myself. I shouldn’t just go to university because it Is the norm and everyone else in my family did it. I will use this time to re-evaluate my life, take some time out to find jobs and possibly find a career route. I know it seems late for a twenty year old. Better late than never I think :)